王梓軒 Blog﹕Concert

【明報專訊】After almost a year of preparation, my crossover concert with the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra (HKCO, 香港中樂團)- "Music Anytime Anywhere"-finally took place on 21 and 22 January at the Concert Hall in the Hong Kong Cultural Centre. From the HKCO's initial invitation to me last February to the flurry of rehearsals between the orchestra, chorus singers* and dancers** just weeks before the show, a lot had gone into this production. The second I stepped out of the side wings to a sold-out crowd, I realised that we had done something big- combining traditional Chinese music with pop songs, modern dance and cross-cultural imagery turned out to be a unique experience that managed to avoid triteness (平凡、陳腐) and tired stereotypes. The feeling of anticipation at the end of every song was thankfully answered by applause and encouragement. Needless to say, there were kinks (小問題) in the opening performance that got improved the next night; but before I knew it, the shows were over and I had missed the chance to do even better.
