Business Sector's Role
關愛基金勿矯枉過正 商界助社企可創共贏

【明報專訊】LAST Thursday the government published the list of the members of the Steering Committee on the Community Care Fund. More than a half of them come from the social welfare, labour and academic sectors. Only three of them come from the business sector. Since the government announced it would set up a Community Care Fund, some have suspected business donors might control it with a view to reducing society's antagonism towards the rich. The government has now appointed professional social workers to the Committee and stressed that business people will have no say. That may indeed go some way towards removing doubts. If businesspeople are "forced" to contribute money to the Fund but are barred from playing any part, there will be small incentive for them to make donations again, and it will be doubtful that the Fund will last long.
