CPC-people Contradiction
變本加厲打壓人民 內地官民矛盾尖銳 社會增不穩定因素

【明報專訊】YESTERDAY Zhao Lianhai, who had started Home for Kidney Stone Babies, a group of Sanlu tainted formula victims, was give a stiff two-and-a-half-year jail sentence. The case is even worse in nature than the Liu Xiaobo case. Liu Xiaobo was punished for the views he had expressed because it was thought that those views might dent the Communist Party of China's (CPC's) power. Zhao and others whose babies have fallen ill after taking tainted formula have fought for their rights. Their motive is simple and has nothing to do with politics. The authorities have now used the gigantic state machine to punish a citizen who has tried to hold them liable for their faults.
