Huge Property Bubble
曾蔭權政府須以切實措施 化解樓市特大泡沫危機

【明報專訊】MUCH of the 2010-11 policy address (which Chief Executive (CE) Donald Tsang delivered two weeks ago) is about the property market, but it has since heated up. Many more inexpensive flats in the New Territories changed hands last Saturday and Sunday. That shows home buyers have vied with one other to get into the market. According to the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, property prices have risen sharply over the past two years. The Fed is poised to launch its QE2 (quantitative easing 2) - to go all out to print money to bail out the US economy. Money will certainly flood the globe. In Hong Kong, flats are in short supply, idle money abounds, and interest rates are low. Many bankers are certain that property speculation will be rife here in the next six months. Hong Kong's property bubble is liable to worsen, and that is very worrying indeed.
