Reform Is Crucial
醫保有供無賠問題大 不改革只有死路一條

【明報專訊】THE GOVERNMENT has unveiled its healthcare financing reform plan. There are voices in favour of it as well as against it. While it should persevere with the reform, the government must heed the doubts expressed. We must be clear about two facts. First, our healthcare system is fraught with problems. Public hospitals are overloaded. The situation will worsen as the population ages. Second, the private health insurance (PHI) system is full of loopholes now. Policyholders have difficulty making claims. Their interests are by no means effectively protected. This problem is serious. The government's scheme is not perfect. However, if it is in place, middle-class citizens will have wider PHI choice, and more public healthcare resources will be available for looking after elderly and infirm patients. It represents a step in the right direction.
