Property Bubble
發展商豪宅瞄準內地客 樓市泡沫中產更難置業

【明報專訊】THIS issue of Ming Pao carries three stories about the real estate sector. They are about the auction of the Mount Nicholson Road site for luxury development, the ballot drawing for the sale of surplus HOS (Home Ownership Scheme) flats, and the Commission on Strategic Development's discussion of subsidised home ownership. On the face of it, they have nothing directly to do with one another. However, they point to certain phenomena and problems of the real estate sector. They show luxury units will account for a higher and higher percentage of new flats. If this remains the case, homes will become even more unaffordable for sandwich-class citizens. Chief Executive (CE) Donald Tsang and his officials ought to think about this situation and try to address it.
