Alarm Bells Are Ringing
153萬人贊成激烈取態 社會和諧穩定響警號

【明報專訊】ACCORDING TO a survey the Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies of the Chinese University has recently conducted, the public no longer considers the SAR a harmonious society. What is even more surprising is that an estimated 1.53 million citizens support using radical means to urge the government to address citizens' demands. Judging from the findings of the survey, deep-rooted contradictions (which the government has all along refused to address and even to acknowledge) have worsened. If the government continues to turn a blind eye to them, our society will hardly be harmonious, and it may not even be largely stable. Alarm bells are ringing. Let us see if the government will continue to turn a deaf ear or bury its head in the sand like an ostrich.
