Moderate Democrats' Creative Plan
溫和民主派新方案有創意 有助解決政治深層次矛盾

【明報專訊】AT two of his meetings with Chief Executive Donald Tsang Premier Wen Jiabao said Hong Kong had deep-rooted contradictions. On neither occasion did he specify them. People ventured wild guesses but none could decide which was right. Yesterday he said specifically Hong Kong had such contradictions in five areas - including its economic advantages, its industries, its people's life and its democratisation. That would save people from making idle conjectures and allow society to have focused discussions. Hong Kong's democratisation, an area in which Premier Wen Jiabao has said it has deep-rooted contradictions, is at a critical stage. Not only have the pro-democracy doves decided not to play any part in the so-called five-constituency referendum despite the hawks' pressure, but they have also held out an olive branch. They have come up with a constitutional reform plan that would ensure business people's chance of balanced participation. The central authorities and Hong Kong democrats should size the golden opportunity. Beijing should try to resolve Hong Kong's deep-rooted political contradictions once and for all by allowing Hong Kong people to enjoy genuine universal suffrage.
