Will FA Reform Itself?
政府矢志振興足運 足總可會浴火重生?

【明報專訊】THE government will expend huge amounts of public resources in invigorating Hong Kong soccer as a consultancy recommends. The consultancy report identifies the problems with the sport in the SAR and puts forward visions, concrete objectives and practicable ways to achieve them. One can now perhaps picture in one's mind's eye a scene of Hong Kong soccer regaining its glory. But don't be happy so soon. Whether that will happen depends on whether the Hong Kong Football Association (FA), the governing body of association football in the SAR, will thoroughly reform itself and seize the opportunity to allow the sport to thrive again here. Will its ashes, as the phoenix, bring forth a bird that would give Hong Kong soccer a new lease of life? Judging from what it has achieved, one can hardly be optimistic.
