Tsang's Place in History Books
曾蔭權的歷史評價 未來2年半是關鍵

【明報專訊】SURVEYS carried out by the Public Opinion Programme at the University of Hong Kong show that, since Chief Executive (CE) Donald Tsang delivered his last policy address on October 14, his popularity rating has plunged, and citizens have grown much less happy with the government and much more distrustful of it. Tsang's place in the public's estimation is near that which former CE Tung Chee-hwa occupied towards the end of his chief executive-ship. The upcoming consultation on constitutional reform will be an enormous challenge to Tsang. If it is mishandled, Hong Kong may again see political turmoil. If he does not relish seeing any disastrous situation, he and his administration should learn a bitter lesson and seriously make policies so that citizens will feel they work for their welfare.
