Shortage of Midwives
私院產科人手匱乏 當局不應視而不見

【明報專訊】A leading story we published yesterday says the obstetric and gynaecology unit of Hong Kong Baptist Hospital (HKBH) does brisk business. However, a midwife who works there looks after about four times as many lying-in women as one who works in a public hospital. Therefore, HKBH's risk management is a concern. The government ought to find out how things actually stand in HKBH. It should require the hospital to have an adequate staff to ensure lying-in women's and their babies' safety. Furthermore, the story shows that, to develop the health care industry, we must not just build hospitals and acquire state-of-the-art medical equipment. The government should promptly make plans for training up sufficient numbers of doctors and nurses.
