只帶軀殼上班無靈魂 不懲處難遏苟且胡混

【明報專訊】THE Office of the Ombudsman has criticised Social Welfare Department (SWD) employees for being careless and irresponsible in approving applications for disability allowance and handling appeals. The cases the Ombudsman has cited show SWD employees deserve reprimand. Public doctors should also be criticised for their ridiculously perfunctory medical assessments. The SWD has said it will have an interdepartmental working group carry out a review. However, if SWD workers and public doctors bring only their somas to work, they will be as perfunctory as they are however many new mechanisms or guidelines there may be. The only way to deter perfunctoriness and encourage conscientiousness is to hold SWD employees and public doctors liable and deservedly punish them for their blunders.
