Ma Cannot Change KMT
清廉的馬英九 改造不了陋習纏身的國民黨

【明報專訊】IN Taiwan, some candidates in an election of the Kuomintang's Central Standing Committee (KMT's CSC) offered gifts for votes. To clear themselves, most of the newly-elected members resigned their seats. Ma Ying-jeou, who has just taken over as KMT chairman, is faced with a political crisis. However, he has tried to make use of it - to use it as an opportunity to promote clean elections of the KMT and then of Taiwan at large. At an extraordinary meeting, the CSC decided that a by-election should be held. However, maladies of the KMT's and Taiwan's elections are so ingrained that Ma's plan of changing Taiwan's election culture with the CSC by-election is very unlikely to succeed.
