Cemetery in Geological Park
地質公園有骨灰「墓園」 政府對策治標未治本

【明報專訊】A cemetery has been built on a piece of private land on Ma Shi Chau (an island near Tai Po which will soon become part of Hong Kong's geological park). Plots there will be sold for burying cinerary urns. The authorities have ordered the developer of the cemetery to demolish unauthorised structures there. However, while the order has caused the developer technical difficulties, it may not cause the cemetery to disappear. It remains possible that a cemetery will exist in the geological park. Not only would it be an eyesore. Its existence may make it harder for Hong Kong's application for listing its eight places with unique geological features as a national geological park to succeed. Furthermore, such private cemeteries may abound in the New Territories (NT), and the problem of NT land use may further worsen. That is an even bigger concern.
