TCM Industry
中藥產業潛能巨大 政商學結合有可為

【明報專訊】YANG Mo, an assistant professor of the Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine of the LKS Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong has scientifically studied the efficacy of Danggui Baoxue Tang (DBT, a herbal decoction of Radix astragali and Radix angelicae sinensis). He has found that DBT is as efficacious as Western drugs but does not have their side effects. It is therefore better. Yang Mo's research shows Hong Kong has a positive role to play in internationalising traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Furthermore, reputed to be reliable, Hong Kong has an advantage in developing its testing and certification industry. There is much Hong Kong can do to make a major industry of TCM.
