New face of war against A(H1N1)
抗疫戰進入新階段 寧願多做以防萬一

【明報專訊】THE A(H1N1) outbreak has entered a new phase. As there have been confirmed cases in 74 countries and regions and cases have surged in Australia in the past few days, the World Health Organisation (WHO) is expected to raise the alert level to 6 (the highest) very soon. The first second-generation transmission in Hong Kong was confirmed yesterday. Furthermore, nine students of St Paul's Convent School (Causeway Bay) have developed flu symptoms, and one of them has been diagnosed with the virus. The school will close for two weeks. What has happened points to a global A(H1N1) outbreak. As infections have occurred in schools, a local case with unidentified source of infection will soon be reported. The government has already drawn up an anti-flu plan. In our view, it should uphold the principle of making vigorous efforts just in case rather than being slack in leading the protracted war against the virus.
