Drug abuse in schools
毒品攻陷校園 政府要領導全民打贏禁毒戰

【明報專訊】THERE have been a string of reports of youngsters using drugs in their schools or public places. Secretary for Security Ambrose Lee says the problem is so urgent that it is necessary to mobilise all society to fight a war against drug abuse. That shows the government is aware how grave the problem is. Some who are familiar with the situation say drug abuse is so bad at some schools that they may be described as "fallen". As the problem seems liable to go out of hand, schools, parents and political parties must no longer play ostrich pleading their concern for human rights or schools' reputation. The government must of course have regard to human rights and privacy. However, it ought to display stronger leadership. It must try to lead society to a victory in this war. It should redouble its efforts to stop drugs from coming into Hong Kong and promptly identify students with drug problems and those who control them.
