Local Academic Research
大學研究應多一點關照香港所需 少一點迎合國際學刊所好


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【明報專訊】LAST Friday after the Taskforce on Economic Challenges had met Chief Executive Donald Tsang said Hong Kong should consider developing six industries where it had competitive advantages. One of them is education. It is an industry well worth husbandry, for its development will help bring up our capable people and help develop our economy. However, while our education sector has advantages, it has also quite a few problems that must be rectified. One of them is about academic research.





In 2007-08, Hong Kong gave its universities nearly $500 million in research funding. In the past decade, research funds totalled over $4 billion. Has such money from the public purse been well spent? Does local academic research represent good value for money? According to a news story that appeared last week, the eight tertiary institutions in Hong Kong together have eighty-one research projects that have remained unfinished. They have thus wasted $37.6 million. It has been suggested that local academics seek so much to cater to international journals' tastes that much of their work has little to do with the SAR. Now it has been reported that many of their research projects have remained unfinished. The taxpayer is indeed very disappointed. The government ought to do two things at the same time. First, it should go to the root of the problem and see that funding should be so allocated that university research projects will better serve Hong Kong's interests. Second, it should stop loopholes in local universities' governance systems. Unless it does so, more public money will go down the drain, it will be hard to make an industry of education and, if Hong Kong tries to do so, its efforts will be much less fruitful than they would otherwise be.


香港在2007/08年度投放接近5億元公帑給大學做研究,過去10年累計花費超 過40億元,但這些公帑是否用得其所?是否物有所值?上周的一則新聞披露,過去3年,八大院校共有81個研究項目「爛尾」收場,浪費3760萬元;香港的大學研究早已被指過分偏重國際期刊口味,令到大部分研究都與本土社會脫節,如今再加上研究「爛尾」大增,確實令納稅人失望。當局應該雙管齊下,一方面要正本清源,糾正大專院校的研究撥款方向,讓這些研究可以較好地為香港服務;另一方面,要堵塞大專院校內部管治制度的漏洞,否則更多的公帑將會付諸東流,教育產業化將會舉步維艱,勉強為之也會事倍功半。



A problem more serious than unfinished research is the way research funding is allocated. Hong Kong academics have long been criticised for using public money to "sew others' trousseaux" - to do what only benefits others. Hong Kong academics have long had doubts about local universities' systems of teaching staff appraisal. In assessing an academic's research ability, a local university has regard mainly to whether his papers have been included or cited in international academic journals. However, because Americans and Britons hold sway at those publications, research about Hong Kong rarely finds favour in their eyes. Therefore, to suit international academic journal editors' tastes, Hong Kong academics cannot but do topics that may have little relevance to the SAR. On March 18 this year, Acting Secretary for Education Kenneth Chen said at a Legislative Council motion debate that the government had already set up an $18-billion research fund. According to him, a total not exceeding $2 billion a year will be siphoned to research on selected topics, and a steering committee to be set up will pick general topics that bear upon Hong Kong's long-term interests. This is a move in the right direction, but it is far from adequate.






Now Hong Kong is plagued by internal and external troubles, and it is hardly clear how it should develop economically and socially. Therefore, Hong Kong people need desperately clear research brains to show them how to get onto the right path. The government has paid attention only to research on the constitutional system. Its economic research has long remained weak. Non-government think tanks have just started operating. What Hong Kong people can now rely on is our universities' huge research capabilities. Therefore, local academic research should be aimed at serving Hong Kong's and its neighbours' interests. Our universities should accordingly reform their faculty appraisal systems so that pay increases and promotions will be sufficient incentives for local academics to carry out research projects that are relevant to Hong Kong.





If there is a research mechanism under which the government, businesses and tertiary institutions can join forces, local academic research can be focused on what Hong Kong needs. There may then be such leverage that academic research and social development would conduce to each other. Only than can academics come out of the ivory tower and cease playing the game of pandering to Western researchers' tastes and can universities be prevented from using research funding to boost their international rankings.





明報2009.04.06 社評

Presented by lecturers of Hong Kong Community College, PolyU
Wience Lai
Lecturer, Hong Kong Community College



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