【明報專訊】2021年1月6日,時任美國總統特朗普的支持者暴力闖入美國國會山莊,企圖推翻2020年總統選舉結果。《時代雜誌》(TIME)有題為''Trump's Lucrati
【明報專訊】Jerry: You don't look very cheerful. What's the problem?
【明報專訊】Lee: Have you heard the latest?
【明報專訊】''War is a mere continuation of politics by other means,'' said Carl von Claus
【明報專訊】近年,會計師事務所已發展至提供包括管理諮詢、審計、法律諮詢等服務。《彭博商業周刊》(Bloomberg Businessweek)有題為''The Next Account
【明報專訊】Gina: So where are you off to?
【明報專訊】Keir: You're looking a bit down. What's wrong?
【明報專訊】'We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars', said Oscar Wilde.
【明報專訊】近日,輝瑞和默克藥廠均宣布離成功研製新冠肺炎藥物不遠。《彭博商業周刊》(Bloomberg Businessweek)有題為''To end the pandemic, w
【明報專訊】Annie: Look at this on my phone.