【明報專訊】HONG KONG is holding the Global Financial Leaders' Investment Summit for the second consec
【明報專訊】AUSTRALIAN PRIME MINISTER Anthony Albanese has chosen Shanghai as the first stop of his China
【明報專訊】THE HONG KONG MONETARY AUTHORITY (HKMA) has entered into a cooperation agreement with the Bank
【明報專訊】THE ASIA-PACIFIC ECONOMIC COOPERATION (APEC) meeting will be held in San Francisco, the US thi
【明報專訊】THE GOVERNMENT has unveiled the Northern Metropolis Action Agenda, which outlined development
【明報專訊】AS THE GOVERNMENT announced the Northern Metropolis Action Agenda yesterday (30 October), Secr
【明報專訊】TO PURSUE DEVELOPMENT, Hong Kong needs to cultivate a diverse talent pool. In the policy addre
【明報專訊】IN THE NEW POLICY ADDRESS, it is announced that a task force will be established to study the
【明報專訊】THE NEW POLICY ADDRESS has been released. A lengthy document with more than 30,000 words (over
【明報專訊】AT A TIME of economic weakness in Hong Kong, the latest policy address titled "A Vibrant