Editorial : Tobacco Control Resistance Must Not Derail Reform
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【明報專訊】THE GOVERNMENT is poised to table a bill as early as next month aimed at strengthening tobacco control, including a ban on e-cigarettes and a phased prohibition of flavoured tobacco products. E-cigarettes and flavoured tobacco are little more than sugar-coated poison, marketed by tobacco companies to entice young people into smoking. More worryingly, drug traffickers have seized the opportunity to lure young people into using e-cigarette devices to inhale so-called "space oil". The government's hardline approach to tobacco is fundamentally about safeguarding the next generation. In the face of numerous fallacies from opponents, the authorities must remain steadfast in their resolve.

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Thanks to more than two decades of effort, Hong Kong's smoking rate has gradually declined from 12.4% in 2000 to 9.4% in 2023. However, smoking among young people has been on the rise in recent years. As the traditional tobacco market shrinks, tobacco companies have aggressively marketed e-cigarettes and flavoured tobacco, rebranding them as fashionable and supposedly less harmful alternatives to conventional cigarettes—clearly aimed at younger consumers. The previous administration set a target to reduce the smoking rate to 7.8% by 2025, though whether that goal remains achievable is increasingly uncertain.

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Once the draft bill is formally introduced, tobacco companies and their advocates will likely escalate their lobbying campaigns in a bid either to derail the proposed bans on flavoured tobacco and e-cigarettes or to push for vague commitments lacking clear enforcement timetables—effectively deferring the implementation of the measures indefinitely.

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Strengthening tobacco control is a matter of public welfare and the well-being of future generations. The authorities must take a broader perspective. If an economic argument is to be made, it should begin with the immense healthcare costs and workforce losses attributable to smoking. A study by the University of Hong Kong estimates that smoking costs the city more than $8 billion each year, a figure that will only rise if the scourge of tobacco continues unchecked.

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Globally, Singapore offers a compelling example of resolute tobacco control. Renowned for its stringent policies, the city-state has banned smoking in all public places and prohibits the import, sale, possession and use of imitation tobacco products like e-cigarettes. Yet, Singapore, as an international metropolis, has not seen its status affected by these strict controls, nor have its trade, finance, or tourism sectors suffered significantly. Strengthening tobacco control is a global trend, and given the current smoking situation and control progress in Hong Kong, there is every reason to press ahead boldly and without delay.

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In recent years, the rise in e-cigarette and flavored tobacco use among young people in Hong Kong has been notable, and the issue of adolescents consuming "space oil" has worsened. According to data from the Security Bureau, over 75% of the 300 reported cases of space oil consumption last year involved individuals aged under 21. Space oil is commonly consumed through e-cigarette devices. The Department of Health has warned that vape cartridges containing space oil are indistinguishable from ordinary ones, heightening the risk of concealed drug abuse. Some drug traffickers have even added fruit flavours to make them more palatable and appealing to younger users. A comprehensive ban on e-cigarettes would be instrumental in tackling the proliferation of space oil.

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Resistance to stronger tobacco control is inevitable. Yet the authorities must demonstrate unwavering determination and rise to the challenge. They must also be prepared to counter firmly, and with facts and reason, the various fallacies that aim to protect the vested interests of the tobacco industry.

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明報社評2025.03.13:控煙修例有阻力 擇善固執駁歪理








■ Glossary 生字 /

fallacy : a false idea that many people believe is true

lobby : to try to influence a politician or the government and, for example, persuade them to support or oppose a change in the law

proliferation : the sudden increase in the number or amount of sth; a large number of a particular thing

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Audio files provided by John W