Editorial : Lessons from Land Application List System

【明報專訊】HONG KONG'S PROPERTY MARKET has been sluggish, and the government's land sales revenue has dropped drastically. Recently, there have been views from political and business circles again that the Application List System for land sales should be resumed to "revitalise the land market".

Looking back at the history of land sales in Hong Kong, it was mostly the government that took the initiative to put sites up for public auction. After the Asian financial crisis in 1998, Hong Kong experienced a severe economic recession. The government launched the Application List System in the following year to prevent abortive auctions from dampening property market sentiments. Under the system, the government would allocate some of the sites it intended to sell onto the Application List.

A developer who was interested in any site on the list could apply for the sale of the site and offer a reserve price. After the site was successfully taken off the list, it would go under the hammer. Since the developer had taken the initiative to trigger the land sale and the reserve price was accepted by the government at the very beginning, there was certainty that the site being auctioned would be sold.

In the early days of the Application System, it was in place alongside regular land sales. However, the property market remained in the doldrums, and the government suspended both land sales and the Application System in 2002. It was not until 2004 that the Application System was resumed while regular land sales were completely abandoned.

The Hong Kong property market thus entered a period of uncontrollable surge. For several consecutive years, the government did not take the initiative to sell land, and developers rarely applied for sites to be auctioned. Although the government resumed active land sales in 2010 and completely abolished the Application List mechanism in 2013, the serious shortfall in the supply of land and housing had already become a major scourge of Hong Kong and remained unsolved for many years.

According to the government's statement at the time, the objective of introducing the Application List policy was to "let the market determine the appropriate supply and stabilise property prices". However, subsequent developments have been a damning indictment of the serious flaws of the Application System. On the one hand, developers could deliberately refrain from triggering land auctions to put properties in tight supply and drive up property prices. Big developers with huge land reserves were especially capable of doing so.

On the other hand, small- and medium-sized developers without sufficient land reserves needed to spend manpower and resources to conduct assessments before applying for a site to be auctioned. However, during a public auction, a premium site usually went into the hands of developers with substantial financial strength and power. The developer that took the land off the list ended up doing the legwork for large developers. No doubt they had no interest in triggering land auctions afterwards.

There are views that the resumption of the Application List can give developers another option, and the government can continue to take the initiative to put sites up for tender. The problem is that the availability of a different land sale option does not mean developers will actively bid for land. Worse still, if developers can choose when to bid and only bid for premium sites, they might be even less interested in the projects that have been put out to tender by the authorities.

Hong Kong is a capitalist society. It is impossible to force the business sector to do business at a loss. This, however, does not mean that the market is king and the business community dictates everything. As Hong Kong has entered a new era of development, the relationship between the government and the business sector needs to be sorted out. Both sides need to show sincerity and work together to achieve a win-win situation.

明報社評2024.12.12:土地供應政府主導 莫忘勾地歷史教訓










■ Glossary 生字 /

doldrums : a lack of activity or improvement

scourge : a person or thing that causes trouble, difficulty or mental pain

legwork : difficult or boring work that takes a lot of time and effort, but that is thought to be less important