Editorial:No More Play-acting on Golf Course Housing Plan

【明報專訊】THE HIGH COURT has ruled in a judicial review that the environmental impact assessment (EIA) report for developing the Fanling Golf Course fails to comply with the requirements, and the authorities must conduct a public consultation again for building public housing.

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Public discussions about the Fanling Golf Course have continued for over ten years. Following repeated concessions to vested interests, the government has taken back only the 32-hectare Old Course of the site, proposing to use 9.5 hectares of the land for building public housing. The Hong Kong Golf Club subsequently filed a judicial review, citing that the authorities' EIA report was seriously flawed.

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Yesterday (3 December), Chief Executive John Lee said the government would conduct a holistic study and evaluate the ruling's impact on the number of units and the time to construct public flats. But at the same time, he also noted that as the government had already secured enough land for public housing construction, the change in supply from the single project of Fanling Golf Course development would not have a significant impact on the supply target in the next 10 years. His comments have inevitably raised concerns about whether the authorities are still determined to take forward the [Fanling Golf Course] housing development plan.

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It is noteworthy that, basically, the ruling has only pointed out the major deficiencies of the EIA consultation and the failure of the EIA report to comply with requirements. It was not a veto against any development for the sake of environmental protection. Neither has the judge said that the land under concern must be used as a golf course.

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Granted by the government under a "private recreational lease", the Fanling Golf Course occupies 172 hectares of land and has been like a club exclusive for the rich and privileged over the years. When the government rolled out the North East New Territories development plans in the 2010s, there were already questions over why the Fanling Golf Course was not included in the development area. A Director of Audit's report also mentioned the pressing need for a comprehensive review of the private recreational leases policy.

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After the previous administration launched a "big debate on land supply", the issue of using the Fanling Golf Course site for housing was back on the agenda. Those with vested interests strongly opposed it, citing various reasons ranging from precious trees protection, traffic loading to sports development. The strategy adopted by the opposing parties was delay tactics. First, they obstruct the implementation of the housing plan. Then, they drag the development plan to death by saying that it would be "too slow to meet the pressing needs" and "there would be other medium- to long-term supply options".

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Because of the lawsuit, the government had already postponed for two financial years transferring the land to the Housing Department for development; the ruling now means that it will take at least another one to two years to implement the housing plan. If the authorities have no intention to fight anymore, they might as well say it clearly now rather than waste more time or public funds on prolonged drama.

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After the High Court ruling, the Golf Club said it would write a letter to the government about its intention to discuss the transformation of the Old Course into a "heritage and ecology park" that allows golfing. As the government has opened the Old Course to the public as a park, it is difficult to cater for the safety of visitors if golfing is allowed — unless the authorities "revive" the Old Course by reserving it for golfing during designated time slots on certain days for those who have made appointments.

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As there is already a public golf course in Kau Sai Chau, even if the government abandons the housing plan, it does not necessarily mean that the Fanling Old Course must be reverted into a golf course. The authorities should try to make the facilities in the Old Course park better and more accessible so that ordinary citizens can enjoy them at any time. As for the land originally marked for housing, it can also be used for other development purposes.

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/ Glossary生字 /

play-acting:​behaviour that seems to be honest and sincere when in fact the person is pretending

concession:sth that you allow or do, or allow sb to have, in order to end an argument or to make a situation less difficult

deficiency:the state of not having, or not having enough of, sth that is essential

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Audio files provided by John W