Editorial : What's Next After Top-down Plan on Reform?

【明報專訊】CHIEF EXECUTIVE JOHN LEE has delivered his third Policy Address. While policies like eradicating substandard subdivided units in an orderly manner and relaxing maximum loan-to-value ratios of property mortgages to support the property market are certainly the focus of public concern, some long-term arrangements have also been announced in the Policy Address to echo the themes of "reform" and "development".

The suggestions of promoting the silver economy, developing a low-altitude economy, speeding up the development of innovation and technology in the Loop and the like are all tasks that need to be actively worked on in Hong Kong. Building an international hub for high-calibre talent and setting up an international gold trading market are even of important strategic significance to the country. It is hoped that the authorities can soon announce a concrete development road map and timetable, so as to make sure that reform will not be empty talk.

The theme of the latest Policy Address is "Reform for Enhancing Development and Building Our Future Together". People's livelihood is the most immediate concern for ordinary citizens. It is suggested in the Policy Address that the maximum loan-to-value ratios of property mortgages will be loosened to 70% and the maximum debt-servicing ratio will be adjusted to 50%. Furthermore, the "New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme" will be enhanced to cover buyers of luxurious residential units. All these will provide support to the property market.

As for the issue of subdivided units, the authorities have taken the floor area of eight square metres as the criterion to define substandard subdivided units and will try to finish the relevant legislation within the next year. That is also an important step forward, and we hope that the authorities can implement it as soon as possible.

Given the weak local consumption over the past year, the Policy Address mentioned that the SAR government had suggested the central government resume the "multiple-entry" Individual Visit Endorsements for Shenzhen residents and expand the coverage of pilot cities for implementing policies on the "one trip per week" Individual Visit Endorsements. On the other hand, measures such as the "principal moratorium arrangement" under the [SME] Financing Guarantee Scheme will also be relaunched. While they may not be enough to fundamentally turn around the difficulties faced by the retail industry and small- and medium-sized enterprises, they can more or less serve to support them in the short term.

But of course, Hong Kong must strive to transform economically in the long run by fostering industrial diversification and developing new quality productive forces. The central government supports building Hong Kong into an international hub for high-calibre talent, as well as consolidating and enhancing Hong Kong's status as a global financial, shipping and trade centre. Many ideas and initiatives proposed in this year's Policy Address are related to that end.

The building of a global gold trading market is one of the important new features proposed in the Policy Address. Not only can it spur the development of the related industry chain, ranging from investment transactions, derivatives, insurance, storage, to trading and logistic services, but it will also be of important strategic significance to the country. It is widely believed that China is currently one of the top holders of gold reserves in the global community. However, the two largest global gold trading markets are in New York and London. The initiative will give Hong Kong the chance to flex its muscles and become the country's offshore gold trading market.

The latest Policy Address proposes the establishment of multiple committees and task forces, and the government is set to release a number of development blueprints or outlines. Of course, the great number of committees, task forces and development blueprints means little by itself. All talk and no action is simply empty. The authorities must formulate concrete policies and working timetables, so that all can see their determination to put the ideas into practice.

明報社評2024.10.17:頂層規劃推改革 付諸實行須決心



新一份施政報告,以「齊改革同發展 惠民生建未來」為主題。對一般市民而言,最貼身的始終是民生問題。施政報告提出,放寬物業按揭成數上限至七成,供款與入息比率上限則調整為五成,另外又優化「新資本投資者入境計劃」,將購買豪宅計入其中,凡此種種,皆對樓市有支持作用。






■ Glossary 生字 /

calibre : the quality of sth, especially a person's ability

moratorium : ​a temporary stopping of an activity, especially by official agreement

flex your muscles : ​to show sb how powerful you are, especially as a warning or threat