Editorial:Government Should Inspire All Sectors to Reform
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【明報專訊】THE NEW POLICY ADDRESS is to be published today (16 October). ''Reform'' and ''development'' will be the keywords of it as a response to the expectations of the central government; they also accentuate what is called for in today's Hong Kong. It is hoped that the SAR government will outline a blueprint for reform and development.

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The incumbent administration has been in office for over two years. The upcoming Policy Address will be the third published by Chief Executive John Lee since he was sworn in. Lee has said the new Policy Address will have a green cover just like the one from last year to demonstrate the continuity and connectedness of government policies.

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In the past, Hong Kong has long pursued economic liberalism. Guided by the ideology of ''small government, big market'', the authorities seldom put an emphasis on ''reform''. Times have changed, and Hong Kong is facing a new environment and new challenges. Now it has to seek changes and strive for development proactively. The government can no longer afford to be merely a market regulator or a bystander, but should play an active role as a reform facilitator.

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Reform is no trivial matter. For Hong Kong to pursue economic upgrading and transformation, it is necessary to change the existing patterns and achieve a qualitative metamorphosis. The process will not be painless, and all sides of society will have to make some sacrifices. However, it is questionable whether all sectors are ready for reform.

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Take the tourism industry, whose ecology has experienced change since the pandemic. Many people have pointed out the need for Hong Kong's tourism industry to reform and transform itself and change the ''quantity over quality'' mindset. However, the mentality of ''making a fast buck'' is still deeply ingrained in the sector. People in the industry admit it is quite difficult for the sector to transform itself.

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Another example is the shipping industry. Even though the authorities have issued a policy document and set out the direction of reform, reception from the sector has been lukewarm. Every now and then, there are suggestions that part of the land on which container terminals are situated should be used for housing.

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Furthermore, for Hong Kong to become an international hub for high-calibre skilled labour, universities play a pivotal role. To attract Nobel Prize scholars to Hong Kong, it is necessary for universities to build first-rate fundamental scientific research facilities to allow them to conduct high-level research. However, there are still opinions in political and business circles that the cost of building fundamental scientific research facilities is too high. If Hong Kong does not break free from such a conservative and myopic mentality, its road to reform will be paved with difficulties.

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No doubt the SAR government has put in efforts in recent years to help various industries undergo upgrading and transforming. In the retail industry, for example, the government has set up an E-commerce Development Task Force to help the industry ride on the trend of e-commerce and online shopping. The Trade Development Council has also partnered with mainland e-commerce platforms to help Hong Kong businesses promote their products.

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The central government has high expectations for Hong Kong's reform and hopes the local industrial and business sectors will actively participate rather than stay on the sidelines. In the future, the authorities should adopt more measures to support those who embrace change and dare to challenge those unwilling to change. As the overarching theme of the new Policy Address emphasises the idea of ''reform together'', the SAR authorities need to think more about how to galvanise different industries into reform so that reform will not become empty talk.

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明報社評 2024.10.16:政府須發揮牽頭作用 推動各行業改革前行










■/ Glossary 生字 /

trivial:not important or serious; not worth considering

metamorphosis:a process in which sb/sth changes completely into sth different

myopic:unable to see what the results of a particular action or decision will be; unable to think about anything outside your own situation

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Audio files provided by John W