Editorial:Road map needed to outlaw lousy subdivided flats

【明報專訊】THE POLICY ADDRESS is due next week. For the grassroots anxiously awaiting public rental housing, their biggest concern is still when they can take leave of their subdivided flats. The government has proposed the "expedient measure" of light public housing (LPH) and said that it had secured enough land to provide 360,000 public housing units in the coming decade. However, it still hasn't come up with a timetable for "bidding farewell" to subdivided flats. It is hoped that this year's policy address can fill the gaps in the plans concerned and set a concrete timetable with targets to outlaw lousy subdivided units (SDUs). The poor living environment in SDUs is not conducive to children's growth. It is reasonable to formulate policies to accord priority to SDU households with children in the allocation of public rental housing. Still, the specific measures and arrangements must be sensible and practical. If those households are only allocated to remotely situated transitional housing or LPH flats, the arrangement will only be of limited help and value to them.
