【明報專訊】The District Councils (Amendment) Bill has been rolled out and will be introduced into the Legislative Council (LegCo) for the first reading today (31 May). The authorities said that during the two weeks of "opinion collection", more than 99% of the opinions were supportive of the government's plan. However, judging from the discussions in LegCo in the past few weeks, the questions and concerns raised by some lawmakers regarding the nomination procedures as well as the roles of the District Officers and the "three Committees" of each district actually need to be addressed squarely. Whether the composition of the restructured district councils will become homogenised and whether there will be a lack of diverse voices will have to be confirmed via the bill's implementation. Citizens will listen to what the district councillors say and watch what they do. In the future, the authorities will have to prove themselves with action that the new district councils are really more pragmatic and people-centric than before, and that they will facilitate good governance instead of being made up of mediocre yes-men.