Editorial : Compassionate Places for Students have Come A Bit Late

【明報專訊】The SAR government finally announced yesterday (23 August) cross-border facilitation measures for students who will return to the mainland for their studies. Such students will be included in the quota arrangement so that they do not have to apply for cross-border travel places open to general travellers, a process which is complicated and whose outcomes are non-guaranteed. The students can finally breathe a sigh of relief, but a certain number of them will still be unable to travel in time for the start of the new academic year. In fact, a cross-border facilitation arrangement like this is not merely needed by students. The SAR government should take the initiative to care for needy groups, particularly those who work in the Greater Bay Area. The government should discuss the matter with the related mainland authorities as early as possible to strive for an increase in the special compassionate quota, so as to provide a special channel flexible and convenient to the needy for border crossing.
