Bilingual Editorial: HK Should Bolster Its Defences Against Financial War
雙語社評:金融安全納日程 防禦工事早籌謀


[英語 (足本收聽)] Presented by CHENG, Yu-ting Joyce, Lecturer of Hong Kong Community College, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

[普通話 (足本收聽)] Presented by Dr CHENG, Mei-seung Catherine, Lecturer of School of Professional Education and Executive Development, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Much attention is on the issue of financial security amid the turbulent international situation. With the intensification of Sino-US rivalry, Hong Kong's former role as an intermediary has undergone major changes. In the past, the discussion of financial security in Hong Kong was mainly about coping with financial turmoil and preventing international speculators from rocking the boat. However, what Hong Kong has to guard against now has become acts of financial war at a national level.

[ENG audio 1]

China is the world's largest trader of goods and foreign exchange reserves holder. In recent months, many people on the mainland have voiced concern about the risk of China's foreign exchange reserves being frozen. In Hong Kong, discussions about financial security have also increased significantly in recent months. Chief Executive-elect John Lee has proposed setting up plans in different fields such as finance with "bottom-line thinking" in his platform. There is much discussion in society as well, with some people proposing a change to the Linked Exchange Rate System (LERS) so that it is pegged to a basket of currencies rather than the US dollar alone. Some people have suggested reducing holdings of US debts and converting part of foreign exchange reserves into land reserves and so forth.

[ENG audio 2]

Financial security is a very complex topic and involves very specialised knowledge. Wang Yongli, a well-known mainland financier and former vice president of Bank of China, recently wrote in an article that the People's Bank of China's foreign exchange reserves — worth US$3 trillion — are currently mainly in the currencies of developed countries such as the US dollar and the Euro, and are mainly deposited in the currency issuing countries. While this arrangement is due to a historical background and structural factors, it is reasonable to appropriately adjust the size and structure of the central bank's foreign exchange reserves in response to the risk of asset freezing. Yet, foreign exchange reserves are an important means of stabilising exchange rates and countering external financial turmoil. Their high liquidity is emphasised, and they must not be confused with fiscal reserves and allocated to low-liquidity investments on a large scale. Considering the immediate needs of trade settlement and the constraints of market conditions, in reality, it might not be feasible to transfer assets in the US on a large scale all at once and convert holdings of US debts to gold in one big move. These are problems Hong Kong has to face as well.

[ENG audio 3]

Hong Kong has adhered to the LERS for nearly 40 years, with the Hong Kong dollar pegged to the US dollar. An important prerequisite for its effectiveness is a relatively peaceful and stable international environment. When the main theme of Sino-US relations is cooperation and Hong Kong acts as an economic bridge between the East and the West, the LERS helps Hong Kong play the role of a trade finance intermediary. But the current situation has clearly deviated from the original trajectory. The discussion on the future of the LERS has resumed. Back in April, John Lee said that he did not see why the LERS should be changed at that stage, but added that he would review the risks comprehensively.

[ENG audio 4]

For Hong Kong people, in the past few decades, the LERS has been like a pillar of confidence for the economy. If the Hong Kong dollar is suddenly no longer pegged to the US dollar, the psychological impact will of course be huge. But there is reason to believe that the sudden change will likely be the result of an earth-shattering black swan event in the world. It could be war between China and the US, the collapse of the US economy, or some form of Washington banning Hong Kong banks from using US dollars and so on. When any of that happens, the global and international financial order will be completely different from what they are now. What seems to be an "apocalyptical" change right now will most likely become logical then.

[ENG audio 5]

金融安全納日程 防禦工事早籌謀


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