【明報專訊】Less than two weeks into the reopening of bars in Hong Kong amid the pandemic, two large clusters of infection have emerged one after another, with a total of about 60 people being infected so far. The government has said that there is no need to tighten social distancing measures at this moment, but the third-phase easing of measures in late June may not be implemented as scheduled. For now, there has been no significant rebound in figures such as the daily number of new cases, the number of hospitalised patients and the number of severe cases. At this stage, it is not necessary to take a retrograde step on the path to restoring normality and tighten anti-epidemic restrictions again. Nevertheless, there have been successive cases of restaurants and bars completely forgetting about anti-epidemic requirements recently— such irregularities must be dealt with strictly. There are still hundreds of thousands of people in the city who have not received two vaccine doses, and the three-dose vaccination rate is also below 60%. The existing barrier against severe illnesses is not wholly impregnable. Only if everyone cooperates can society return to normal without hidden hazards.