【明報專訊】Six years ago, two heroic firefighters died in the line of duty in a fourth-alarm fire in a mini-storage unit. The Coroner's Court has ruled that their deaths were caused by misadventure. Although the government has tightened the regulation of the sector by stepping up inspections and law enforcement in the wake of the mini-storage blaze, the hidden fire hazards in mini-storages are still present. The industry believes that the new regulatory measures are "throttling their room for survival" and filed an application for judicial review. Some mini-storage operators have exploited the loopholes to evade regulations. Some did not comply with the Fire Hazard Abatement Notices (FHANs) issued by the Fire Services Department (FSD) and have taken the fact that the "legal proceedings were still pending" as an excuse to delay the authorities' prosecution. The result of the authorities' strengthening of law enforcement against irregularities has been much cry and little wool. The Coroner's Court has given a few suggestions regarding the tragedy. They include regulating mini-storage operators through a licensing system and requiring industrial building tenants to attend fire drills. The authorities should take it seriously and mend the fold after the sheep were lost.