Study Abroad:What Next?

【明報專訊】I am trying to decide what I should do for the next few years as my second year at university comes to an end. While most US college students graduate in four years, I have been taking a higher course load so that I can graduate in three years if I want to. I could immediately start working after that, which would save my family a full year of tuition and allow me to support myself financially a year earlier. Alternatively, I could finish my bachelor's degree in three years and get a Master of Engineering (MEng) degree in the fourth year. I would also need to pay for the MEng, but it seems a bit more worthwhile than just a fourth year of undergrad. In this case, I would be able to graduate with my friends and get the full college experience, which is all the more valuable considering the fact that I spent most of my time at Cornell on Zoom and under covid restrictions. Needless to say, an advanced degree would also give me a leg up in the job market, although this would depend on the specific career path I want to pursue.
