【明報專訊】The government has announced plans to ease social distancing measures in phases starting late next month. Primary schools will also resume in-person classes. A rebound of the pandemic will be very likely. According to epidemiological modelling estimates by HKU, Hong Kong will see a sixth wave of the pandemic. Based on the current way of handling by the government, it is predicted that the new wave of the pandemic will cause an additional 2.2 million infections and about 1,500 deaths. There are many variables in the development of the pandemic. The only certainty is that the next wave will undoubtedly come. The authorities must think about how to deal with that situation straight away. The current fifth wave of the pandemic will ease off in the period from now till the easing of social distancing measures late next month. It is time to decide between zero COVID and coexistence and choose whether to reopen the borders with the mainland or foreign countries first. The SAR government must face the problem squarely and state its direction clearly as early as possible.