【明報專訊】The COVID-19 pandemic continues to haunt Hong Kong as the number of confirmed cases remains high. The death toll from COVID since the beginning of the fifth wave of the pandemic has surpassed 800, but it has yet to reach its peak. According to an estimation from the latest study by HKU's Dean of Medicine Gabriel Leung, there will be more than 4,600 fatalities in total by the end of April. The government's purported plan to implement compulsory universal testing with a considerable degree of "lockdown" within this month has raised all sorts of speculations. Since the start of fifth wave of the pandemic, the government's dissemination of information has been confusing, and its policies have been volatile. Hong Kong people are now in a state of anxiety and fear. While compulsory universal testing is an imperative that must be done, it is hoped that the government will exercise careful, detailed planning and proper preparation and announce the operational details concerned as soon as possible. The mistake of letting infected people undergo home quarantine should never be repeated.