Editorial : Serious Mismanagement at Locked-down Buildings

【明報專訊】In view of the ceaseless outbreak of COVID-19 at Kwai Chung Estate, the government announced that a third block in the estate will be placed under lockdown. The lockdown at Yat Kwai House, the "epicentre" of the outbreak, has also been extended for two more days because of continual reports of new cases in the building. All eyes are on whether a lockdown should be imposed on the entire estate. Considering the poor performance of the authorities in executing the lockdown measures over the past few days, the situation is indeed worrisome. Yat Kwai House was not put into lockdown immediately after reports of an outbreak. Because of the chaotic arrangements by the Housing Department, the viral testing stations were teeming with people while the close contacts of infected people, who should not have been at the stations for testing, were actually allowed to stay there for a long time. That has inevitably raised concerns about the possibility of on-site cross-infections. Testing service providers have stressed that they need to "protect their staff", as elderly residents with mobility difficulties had to wait for a long time before they finally got tested via the "door-to-door specimen collection" arrangement. Their families called the Housing Department hotline for help on Sunday but no one answered. All sorts of mismanagement have given people the impression that matters were handled in a sclerotic and bureaucratic way to make things easier for the officials themselves rather than the people.
