Editorial:Fight against COVID: Citizens Suffer from Poorly Managed Supporting Measures

【明報專訊】The new term of the Legislative Council (LegCo) has begun. During the question-and-answer session, the Chief Executive (CE) denied that the government's anti-epidemic work over the past two years had been riddled with mistakes, arguing instead that lawmakers should not ''level groundless accusations against hardworking anti-epidemic personnel''. Hong Kong has undoubtedly done a better job than most regions in the world in terms of minimising the cumulative numbers of confirmed cases and deaths. This is the fruit of a concerted effort. Tens of thousands of front-line personnel and medical workers have made indispensable contributions. Yet, there have been loopholes in the prevention of imported cases, poor execution and arrangements by the government and inadequacies in the supporting measures—things that have been discussed by all classes of society repeatedly over the past two years.
