Editorial : Special Border Voting Arrangements Amid the Pandemic

【明報專訊】POLLING stations will be set up at three border control points of Hong Kong, including Lo Wu Terminal, for the election of the new term of the Legislative Council (LegCo). The authorities have emphasised that this is a one-off arrangement tailor-made for the pandemic to make it easier for Hongkongers on the mainland to enter Hong Kong territory just to cast a ballot. The voters will be exempted from quarantine upon immediate return. There are concerns about a string of issues related to the scheme's execution and legal matters. The arrangement of border voting is different in nature from external voting. The voting eligibility of Hong Kong citizens on the mainland depends on whether they have registered as a voter. The government has required them to register for the special arrangement ahead of voting. Since it is unknown whether the quota of 111,000 places to sign up will be enough, the authorities should adjust it in accordance with the response to avoid hampering people from voting because of the limit. The authorities must ensure the smooth running of the voting stations to avoid mishaps and chaos, and ensure that the voting procedures are fair and just at the same time.
