
【明報專訊】提起香港少數族裔,「摩羅差」或「啹喀兵」可能只是 exotic 的代名詞。Ayo Gorkhali (直譯是「啹喀兵殺到喇」)一書沒有膚淺地歌頌尼泊爾裔「啹喀兵」,或拾人牙慧批評英國殖民主義。和一般人一樣,「啹喀兵」為生計、渴望發展所長:Being a Gurkha was not only an alternative way of earning a living but also a necessity。全球化下,「啹喀兵」成了犧牲者,If we don't know how to respect our history, we will never know how to preserve our future, and a nation without its history is like a nation without a soul. Unfortunately, we are heading in that direction。本書評述深刻,不乏超越民族主義和帝國主義的洞見:Although they might have acted only in the name of flattery and to show the world, the British have at least done something for the Gurkhas. . . . For instance, the monument to the Brigade of Gurkhas on Horse Guards Avenue outside the Ministry of Defence in London. . . . In contrast, there isn't even a single monument or memorial that the government of Nepal has created to commemorate the Gurkhas。
