Ask & Learn聞問切:修辭(下)——Double negative

【明報專訊】今期繼續討論修辭技巧,這是上期談及的句子:No moral idea exists which does not combine in proportions varying with the society involved, egoism, altruism, and a certain anomy。這句含有一個 double negative(雙重否定)的結構。開頭是 No moral idea,修飾語是 does not combine in proportions varying with the society involved egoism, altruism and a certain anomy。Double negative,可理解為負負得正,故這句意思是 All moral ideas 都 combine in proportions varying with the society involved, egoism, altruism and a certain anomy,例如:①At no time in the past did I not listen to my father's advice(在過往每一刻我都聽從父親的建議)和②Under no circumstance will Tom not take care of his sick wife(不論任何情形下,湯姆都不會把有病的妻子置之不顧)。
