Ask & Learn聞問切:In order not to、not to

【明報專訊】上期討論 infinitive of purpose,即用不定形動詞顯示動作目的,如:I go to language school to learn French。I go to language school 是動作,to learn French 是 infinitive of purpose。那 to learn French 和 in order to learn French 有何不同?沒有太大分別。語氣上 in order to 較嚴肅正式,故多用於書面語。可否用 to 完全代替 in order to?不盡然。若要表達否定,in order not to 和 not to 不一樣,如:I get up early in order not to miss the train(我早起是為了不致趕不上火車)。I get up early not to miss the train(我早起不是為了要趕不上火車)一句,聽者會問那麼你為何早起,可見 in order not to 不可以 not to 代替。 ̷̷ 譚景輝([email protected]) ̷
