Editorial : 'Made in Hong Kong'

【明報專訊】HONG KONG'S manufacturing industry took off in the 1950s and 1960s. The influx of entrepreneurs and capital from the north in the aftermath of the Chinese civil war, the West's embargo against China thanks to the 1950 Korean War, and keen demand for inexpensive goods of high quality following the post-war European and American economic recovery created excellent external conditions for a shift of Hong Kong's exports to light industry. Hong Kong people's diligence, quick reactions and flexibility enabled "Made in Hong Kong" to become a brand name of international renown. Textile products, clocks and watches, and plastic products were exported to Europe and the US in huge quantities. The 1979 reform and opening up in mainland China saw the northward migration of Hong Kong's light industry. The service industry replaced the traditional manufacturing industries to become a pillar of the Hong Kong economy. However, "Made in Hong Kong" remains a guarantee of quality that inspires consumer confidence even today. It is also a phrase that Hong Kong people take pride in.
