
【明報專訊】1941年12月的香港保衛戰乏善可陳,英國只18天便投降。Niels等自然就成了戰俘。他叫妻子Karen到上海,不要來軍營送物資。軍營衛生差、食物少和欠缺營養,而且水和藥物不夠,戰俘們只剩幽默感:Within just a few days, the men began to joke about how food fantasies were replacing dreams about women. One afternoon, Jørgen Vibe exclaimed that he really felt like a chocolate milkshake. Anker Gundesen imagined a cup of coffee. Niels Ørskov was imagining a stack of pancakes. Holger Dreyer topped them all — his highest wish was a T-bone steak.
