Editorial:Donald Trump's double betrayal in the Middle East

【明報專訊】Turkey's latest onslaught on the Kurdish forces across its border is the third in several years. To the Kurdish people, the US holds the key to its success and failure. Their destiny is in the control of Washington. Settling along the borders between Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran, the Kurdish people have long aspired to a nation of their own. Back when the United States tried to bring down the regime of Saddam Hussein, the country lent its support to the Kurdish militia in Iraq and gave a status of semi-independence to the Kurdish people in Northern Iraq after the war. During the Syrian civil war, the US performed the same trick, supporting the Kurdish militia in Northern Syria in an attempt to weaken the government of Bashar al-Assad as well as ISIS, a terrorist group. But as the Kurdish people in Iraq and Syria grow in influence, the Kurdish people in Turkey show a tendency to separation. This has put the authorities of Ankara on pins and needles.
