The distribution of traffic among the three crossharbour tunnels should be dealt with scientifically

【明報專訊】THE government will table a non-binding motion tomorrow to the Legislative Council on a toll adjustment plan to improve the distribution of traffic among the three tunnels. Political parties from both the pan-democratic and pro-establishment camps are opposed to any sharp increases in the tolls for the Cross-Harbour Tunnel (CHT) and the Eastern Harbour Crossing (EHC). Some demand a smaller increase while others demand that the plan be shelved. The essence of the plan is to improve the distribution of traffic among the three tunnels by resorting to the law of supply and demand and the law of pricing. To reduce the traffic flow of the CHT and the EHC, the tolls for the two tunnels will be increased to divert drivers to the Western Harbour Crossing (WHC). It is certain that redistributing the traffic among the three tunnels is in the best interests of society, but it will definitely be painful for car owners crossing the harbour. When engaging in empty talk about principles before, it was easy for politicians to pledge support for the distribution of traffic among the three tunnels. Now that it involves dramatic increases in tolls in practice and supporting the plan may incur the displeasure of many voters, the common good does not seem to be something prioritised by the political parties.
