Study Abroad﹕Going home (2)

【明報專訊】When I stay with my host family, I usually just chill out completely. I would watch some films or TV shows on Netflix, read some newspapers, make myself a cup of tea (this is a very English thing to do), go for a walk, chat with my friends on the phone etc. Since my host family live in the countryside, there isn't a great deal of entertainment nearby, which could be a shock to a city-dweller. The village they live in has no shops whatsoever, only a pub. On the one hand, the clean air and the peace and quiet provide a profound sense of tranquility, and everything seems to slow down; you're never in a hurry to do anything. On the other hand, the lack of accessible cultural enrichment outside of the house is a great source of boredom and claustrophobia. The closest cinema is about 20 minutes away, which doesn't sound very far. But because I can't drive, I have to rely on someone who can to take me anywhere at all, and it always depends on whether they want to see the film. Therefore, I don't have the autonomy that I have in Hong Kong.
