Editorial : Police should review their law enforcement

【明報專訊】A taxi driver was put in a headlock when he was arrested by the police. He was subsequently diagnosed with a cervical vertebra dislocation and unfortunately died a month later. A Coroner's jury returned a 3-2 verdict of "unlawful killing" of the taxi driver. "Unlawful killing" requires a very high standard of proof, which is proof beyond reasonable doubt. In the past it was very rare for a verdict of "unlawful killing" to be returned in a coroner's inquest into law enforcement deaths. Police officers should be prudent when using force to enforce the law, and the force used should be appropriate. This case shows that there is a need to review and improve police training in how to handle a case on the spot and how to respond when faced with resistance. The police must draw lessons from this case to prevent similar tragedies in the future.
