Editorial : Electricity tariff increase prone to manipulation

【明報專訊】THE TWO POWER COMPANIES will increase their tariffs next year. As anticipated, they have tried to cover up increases in basic tariffs by offering fuel charge rebates. What is unexpected is HK Electric's tariff-increase U-turn. In only a few hours, it switched from proposing a double-digit tariff increase to asking for only an 1.9 per cent increase in its "net electricity tariff". It seems frivolous to push up or bring down increase percentages readily in this way. The two power companies do zero-risk business. Every year they earn the highest permissible profits. It is impossible for the public to accept double-digit increases. What is astonishing is that the Environment Bureau did not object to such increases unequivocally. It is the Executive Council that has blocked them. What has actually happened? That has aroused concern.
