Editorial : SWOs should be more transparent
社福機構須增透明度 勿濫用公帑肥上瘦下

【明報專訊】THE SOCIAL WELFARE ORGANISATIONS EMPLOYEES UNION has surveyed top social welfare organisation (SWO) administrators' remuneration and found that top administrators of at least fifteen of the 164 SWOs receiving lump sum grants (LSGs) from the Social Welfare Department (SWD) were in 2014-15 paid huge cash allowances totalling about $6 million. The salaries and allowances the elderly affair director of an SWO receives total as much as $2.15 million a year. That person gets at least $500,000 more than a civil servant of the same grade and about as much as an assistant director of the SWD. The findings of the survey have raised an outcry.
