The City Wanderer : Hong Kong's pet dog ecology

【明報專訊】I have always thought Tung Choi Street provides a snippet of Hong Kong's domestic pets' ecology. The street is lined with pet shops typically displaying baby Bernese Mountain Dogs (伯恩山犬, picture), Golden Retrievers (金毛尋回犬) and Malamutes (雪橇犬) in their windows. All tiny and cuddly at an infant stage, these species soon grow to be too massive for crammed Hong Kong living spaces. A fully grown Bernese Mountain or Malamute easily hits half a metre in height and more than 50 kg in weight. It may be heavier than an adult female. Despite the obvious challenge of providing such a pet with an ideal environment, potential pet owners remain enthusiastic about keeping them. Pet shop owners have revealed that these dogs typically stay at most 2 weeks in their shop. I secretly think their lives after being purchased may not be much better than in their caged days.
