Pop Around Town : The "Other" Cinema (Part 3)

【明報專訊】The situation of Hong Kong cinema changed in the 1980s, during which more diversified genres were made, and they often involved racial/ethnic characters and shooting at foreign locations. There were commercial kung fu farces such as the series called Aces Go Places 《最佳拍檔》(directed by Eric Tsang Chi-wai, 1982). This series tried to fashion a modern sense for Hong Kong by creating a James Bond figure called King Kong who defeated Western rascals with high technology. This kind of kung fu comedies involving shooting at foreign locations and characters can also be found in Sammo Hung Kam-bo's works starring Jackie Chan. For example, there are My Lucky Stars《福星高照》(1985), Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars《夏日福星》(1985) and Wheels on Meals《快餐車》(1984). Many of Jackie Chan's movies were set in foreign places because of his ambition to get into Hollywood. For example, Wheels on Meals, The Protector《威龍猛探》(directed by James Glickenhaus, 1985) and Armour of God《龍兄虎弟》(directed by Jackie Chan, 1986) were set in Spain, the United States and Europe respectively.
